Title: NLC 436QF Pairing: gen. Kangin Rating: PG Summary: Kangin is picking up his NLC.
Note: I wrote this for my creative writing course I'm taking now. It had to be 250-1000 words, about anything we like. I was given the prompt "robots," so this somehow sprung out of it. Started/ended 1.31.2010
Title: Samskeyti (숨. 얼음. 아픔.) Pairing: SiChul Rating: G Summary: “i want to experience something beautiful,” he says, and you follow him because that’s what you do, what you’ve always done.
Note: started/ended 09.28.09 kind of just a drabble? idk what this is. its not really sichul, only if you want it to be.
Title: 소녀, 사랑을 만나다 Pairing: Krystal/Yoona, Krystal/Minho Rating: PG Summary: The three times Krystal Jung may have fallen in love. Note: started 5.21.09, ended 6.1.09. Inspired by the Juliette MV, this post about Krystal and Jessica, this picture of Minho and Krystal, and how much Krystal looks like Yoona.